Pranav Sinha
4 min readApr 14, 2021


How Laziness is destroying your Life in 3 different ways

The person who puts off things to the next moment is always going to be behind those who take the initiative and get the job done at the first opportunity provided to them

I am one of those who put off things to a later time due to being super lazy at the exact moment when I should have been working.

Lets look at three moments where laziness is destroying your life(along with some personal examples from my life) -

3. While waking up in the morning —

Most of us have tendency to switch off our alarms and then sleep again even after waking up on time. The extra 5 minutes become 60 minutes in a matter of time and suddenly we are behind our schedule. A sense of anxiety prevails and we are unable to perform our daily tasks in the best possible manner. We are constantly kicking ourselves for waking up late. It leads to dissatisfaction and keeps us distracted. So we should wake up on time and perform the planned tasks on time to keep our mind uncluttered throughout the day.

Example from my life — I usually wake up early before the alarm clock rings and see that I still have around 30 to 35 minutes of sleep left. I sleep again and suddenly I wake up 5 minutes before the time I should leave for office. I just run around and leave the house without even taking a bath. Whenever this happens I never feel comfortable during the day.

2. While learning a new skill —

Learning new skills are an important part of every person’s life. New skills help us beat the large crowd fighting for small amount of opportunities in the world. Yet most of us give up after a few days after beginning to learn a new skills. Most people feel lazy and sleep withing 10 minutes after beginning their learning session. Most of us watch our favorite shows and sporting events rather than putting in the vital hours to get ahead of the crowd. This leads to us feeling guilty during most of the time when we don’t perform the tasks which we are supposed to perform. So we should plan better before learning a new skill so that we don’t give up so easily.

Example from my life — I have always wanted to learn writing yet I never wrote anything from 2012 until 2019. Not even a single page. I always thought about becoming a big shot write but never put in the hours. I now feel guilty for not even learning basic grammar rules and vocabulary which would improve my writting. I now try to write short articles which get back on track and help me gain back some of the precious years which I have wasted.

1. While building relationships with people —

Networking with other humans is one of the most important skills each of us should possess. Connecting with the right people at the right time often opens the gates to opportunities which we otherwise wouldn’t have found out about in normal circumstances. We should take out some time from our schedule to connect with our friends, families and interesting people we meet on a daily basis so that you maintain a deep rooted connection with them, which might pave the way for life fulfilling opportunities. Most of us never engage with people of different mindsets or even our close friends on a timely basis. This leads to the other people thinking that you are not interested in engaging with them and you might lose potential life changing gigs. So even if how busy we are we should engage with other people , even if its a quick chat with them.

Example from my life — I hardly talk to people. Even if I feel like talking to people I never pickup the phone and call them. I hardly ever maintained strong friendships with anyone. I never receive any texts or calls from anyone except spammers. This sometimes makes me feel that I am not worth anyone’s time. I also don’t get contacted by anyone for any social engagements or events as nobody knows or even remembers me. I have lost a lot of opportunities due to being lazy in contacting people.

Laziness can only be beaten by taking a relentless approach towars your goal. No matter whats just do the task which you have to do without fail. Just make small list of goals you want to achieve in a definite amount of time. Try your best to achieve by getting your hands dirty. This approach will surely help you move towards the bigger things in life.

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